TEACH Caribbean in collaboration with the Office of the Children’s Advocate of Jamaica will host its inaugural Leadership & Values Conversation Summit for ~90 high school students and chaperones on November 1, 2023 at the Jamaica Pegasus. The students will engage in meaningful discussions and hear from notable leaders including: Senator Dr. the Hon. Dana Dixon - Minister, Skills & Digital Transformation; Mr. Gordon Swaby - CEO Edufocal; Mrs. Diahann Gordon Harrison - Children’s Advocate of Jamaica; Pastor Kavan Allen - Pastor, Fellowship Tabernacle; Dr. David McBean - Executive Director, Mona School of Business and Management, University of the West Indies. Thanks to our sponsors: GraceKennedy Ltd., Panjam Group; Wisynco; Mussons Group; and Office of the Children’s Advocate. See more in the article below: https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20231030/rhodes-scholars-host-leadership-and-values-conversation-summit-high-schoolers